Committee on Student Development Portfolio
In accordance with the decision of Senate, a Committee on Student Development Portfolio was set up under the Committee on Student Affairs in March 2012. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the SDP, formulating policies and relevant procedures in relation to the SDP, and considering special experiential learning activities organised by student service providers for incorporation into the system.

Prof. Ko Wing-HUNG
University Dean of Students

Dr. Frankie WONG
Associate Dean (Student Affairs),
Faculty of Social Science

Prof. Kelvin TSOI
Dean of Students,
Wu Yee Sun College

Prof. Peggy MOK
Associate Dean (Student Affairs),
Faculty of Arts

Prof. Kenneth CHEUNG
Dean of Students,
New Asia College

Ms. Judy LO
Head of Education Technology,
Information Technology Services Centre
Terms of Reference
The Committee on Student Development Portfolio is a Committee set up under the Committee on Student Affairs and is responsible for:
monitoring the implementation of the Student Development Portfolio (SDP) scheme;
formulating policies and relevant procedures in relation to the SDP; and
considering special experiential learning activities organised by student service providers for incorporation into the system.
The Student Development Portfolio is administered by the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development